Sweaty Noggin

Mojo Loco

Of the many things I have genetically inherited from my parents, Active sweat glands is one trait I definitely got from my father. The Morgan men have always been very sweaty when it comes to manual labor or sporting activity. My dad likes to tell the story of his high school and college basketball days where they always had two jerseys for him, because he would sweat through one of them by the end of the first half.

I have similar moisture expulsion capabilities when it comes to my running activities. I usually wear a compression shirt under my regular shirt when I do distances over 7 miles so that the loose wet shirt does not start rubbing on my skin to produce the bloody man nipples.

I have experimented with different hats and head gear to prevent the flood of salty sweat into my eyes and I think I have finally found a solution. The hats were OK but they don’t let enough heat escape from the top of the head. At the suggestion of Adam Tinkoff, I tried a headband from Kat over at www.goheadband.com. Kat makes these great tech fabric headbands that keep the sweat away from your face while you run. The secret is a little plastic band that she sews into the front to trap the sweat and make it move to either side of the center of your forehead. As much as I sweat, I still get some dripping on either side of my forehead, but that is a MAJOR improvement over what I was dealing with before the headband. I chose the Mojo Loco design (she has many to choose from) as a tip of the hat (of headband) to Adam and his Mojo Loco run coming up in December, 2010.

I have used it on a 4, 5 and 7 mile run so far and although the fabric is completely soaked by the time I am done, it still keeps the sweat out of my eyes. I will probably need to get a few more soon as my running schedule will require lots of laundry time which can be brutal on the life of any garment.